Friday, July 3, 2020

Information Technology Glossary compiled by me Gloria Poole

This is part of an Information Technology Glossary I am compiling to help people who do not have computer skills understand the internet and computers. It is only a partial list and is the 4th set of glossary terms I have compiled in common language. It is not perfect nor complete but helpful I hope.

I.T. =information technology; a degree in some Universities and the science of creating, maintaining, sustaining, internet [ a world wide "traffic lane" so to speak]

C.P.U. =central processing unit of a computer. Think of as like the "brain" of the computer.

SSD is secure _______ ? device --a particular "chip" made similar to a radio's circuit board used in computers.

H.D. =hard drive; the physical, tangible part of the computer that is allocated into partitions, folders, files to "process" information fed into it either by humans or other computers.

Data processing means to take "input" and mush it around using algorithms/ formulas/math until it is in the form the computer or person wants.

Input is what you enter into a computer/tablet/smartphone.

Output is what the computer churns out. A quantum computer is a different type using both 0 & 1 simultaneously and can process billions of transactions/ second. Think of supercomputers such as IBM's Watson. "Normal' computers [a loose term since they are unique with different CPUS, different SSD's, different memory etc, can only use binary system of 0 & 1 one at a time. Meaning a switch is either on or off.

GiGO is computer science term meaning "garbage in garbage out", which means if you enter the wrong info you will get the wrong answer. Computers cannot think.

Algoriythm is a mathematical formula that in simplified language sets up a "if this [happens] then do that [task]. An example is "search words". If you enter words into Google's search engine, it uses algorithyms to detect them and decide which word in their vast vocabulary you are looking for. So if you enter word 'won" Google 's math formula will find that definition and display it on screen. So algorithym would be [very simplified] something like 'if string of characters is "won" then display string of characters "victory" [or whatever Websters or other dictionaries would define won as]. But in computer code of course. Some computer instructions are human readable; some are not.

Human-readable means not encrypted, in plain language readable by anyone who sees it.

ROM means readable only memory.

RAM means random access memory.

AFP means Apple [computers ] 's Filing Protocol. Each computer manufacture has many of its designation such as endings on file names. But much of internet is controlled by Protocols established by government agency N.I.S.T.

N.I.S.T means National Institute of Standards & Technology

G.P.U means Graphics Processing Unit using for computers with gaming and a higher level of graphics such as Apple iMacs.

iMac = Apple McIntosh computers

AES = Active Encryption Standard of NIST

DES = Data Encryption Standard which is not secure

DSA =Digital Signature Algorithym , a standard of NIST

[encrypt=then-authenticate is a better more secure standard than authenticate-then-encrypt is]

FIPS-140 = NIST standard for general security for cryptographic software

ISO/IEC17799 Standard for info Security

MAC= message authentification code

PKCS#11 = Public key cryptography

cryptography= a coded language so that if a message is intercepted it cannot be read. It depends on how complex the code is if the US govt can break code. The FBI recently announced their agents broke the code on a new iphone [of a criminal on their wanted list] An example would be [I am just now making a pretend code not real code to illustrate] if the combination of letters eqp+2+y meant the letter A.

X.509certificate a standard produced by A.N.S.I. { I think that means American National Standards institute but not sure, google it]

CBC-Mac (CCM) means encryption that provides message secrecy & integrity.

T.L.S means transport Layer Security; a standard of J.E.T.F.

OWASP = open web application Security Project

RFID means radio frequency identification and has a universal icon of a L on left w/ capital ltrs RFID inside the L shaped line, and on top right side of letter d is a dot & 2 curved lines emanating from dot, indicating that RFID transmits radio frequency; it is a transponder in standards lingo i.e a transmitter and a receiver of radio waves put into a tag. Example is those gadgets in retail stores that have to be removed by cashier. Another example of a larger RFID is the "black box" on airplanes with a much stronger signal so feds can track planes.

transceiver both transmits & receives radio signal [wi-fi and cell phones are both radio devices]

ISO7816 is protocol for smart cards

IVR = Interactive Voice Response

U.S.S.D [forgot what abbrev stands for] is a code sent by text message via radio /cell phn/smartphone that begins with * and ends with # ; & that works on GSM Protocol to signal the carrier to enquire about something.

GSM is satellite ; off top of head cannot remember what the G & M stands for in abbrev.

VPN = virtual private network; creates a secure encrypted tunnel for communications to pass through.

IEEE802.11 is wi-fi protocol or one of them.

BCD = Boot Config Data

Ethernet = wired computer to a wired modem. All tech people say it is much more secure than wireless or wi-fi. Open wi-fi such as in coffee shops is never secure. Do NOT put confidential [such as bank cards] on open wi-fi ever.

pA = processor architecture

pgP ="pretty good privacy" an open source security protocol; open source means anybody can view & edit the code; that has the tendency to keep them honest because people reviewing the code are usually engineers and high tech people [but not always, criminal hackers alter code too in illegal ways to break into computers, internet, secure websites such as banks etc]

CHKDSK =mean 'check disk for errors; a Microsoft Windows command on terminal

DiskPart means disc partition; All computer manufacturers separate the hard drive into partitions and they sandbox the o.s. [operating system] to isolate it, trying to prevent it being hacked.

sandboxing means putting an electronic moat or think of wooden rails around a sand box to contain the sand. It is the method by which manufacturers contain the o.s to maintain its integrity. It is not fail safe however unfortunately.

API means application programming interface

FDMA means analog frequencies on radio

TDMA means frequencies 800mHz or 1900 Mhz.

CDMA means radio frequencies 1850 & 1990 MHz

Quad-based phone means it uses all frequencies 850, 900, 1800, & 1900 Mhz radio frequencies.

PCS = personal communication system [think smartphone] --a computer that is handheld [includes tablets, PSP gaming, nintendo, various others] thaat sends & receives radio frequencies.

ad hoc means the signal jumps from device to device such as from PSP to laptop etc etc; it is used often in gaming and is NOT secure.

3G means standards UMTS, WCDMA, HSDPA, EVDO.

LTE = 4G ;forgot what abbrev means

Posted by me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, author, illustrator, cartoonist at times, writer of words; from my own private apartment in Springfield Missouri from my own personal equipment today 3rd July 2020 at 7:54am, central time.