GOD works in mysterious ways, and this is proof. I am glad that GOD is raising up men to challenge to the Constitutionality of that health care financing bill steamrolling through Congress like Tianenman Square bulldozers. I am referring to the letter sent to Congress by the Attorny Generals of 13 States.
Please read the actual letter that is included in the article, as was sent by SC Attorney General Henry McMaster to the Congress, and the letter is signed by the AG of Washington state= Rob McKenna, and the AG of Michigan= Mike Cox, and the AG of Texas= Greg Abbott, and the AG of Colorado= John Suthers, and the AG of Alabama= Troy King, and the AG of North Dakota= Wayne Stenehjem, and the AG of Virginia= Bill Mims, and the AG of Pennsylvania= Tom Corbett, and the AG of Utah= Mark Shurtleff, and the AG of Florida= Bill McCollum, and the AG of Idaho=Lawrence Wasden, and the AG of South Dakota= Marty Jackley. These attorney generals charged with the duties of protecting the U S Constitution and their respective state's relationship to the federal government are pressing the issue that the deal made with Sen Ben Nelson to buy his vote in exchange for the federal government paying the Medicaid fees that would be created for new enrollees forever, is unconstitutional on the face of it; and that it is unfair to expect the other 49 states to have to meet mandated by Congress exorbitant expenses while not expecting the state of Nebraska to do that.
The entire health plan refinancing scheme has many flaws, and the way I see those are as follows:
1) it is attempt to label the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb as so-called 'health care' when it is a not, and is indeed a murderous act of evil.
2) It attempts to force taxpayers to pay for the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb, even taxpayers who are consistently conscientous objectors for decades to such evil.
3) It attempts to take from Medicare programs for the elderly who cannot be hired, or the disabled who cannot be hired, the money from the taxes they paid into the system, to redirect it to abortionists and the healthy in schemes to "prevent'" disease instead of treating actual disease.
4) It is an attempt to create a Constitional amendment in a runaround by not calling it a Constitutional Amendment in their effort to bypass the will of the citizens of this nation who would NOT vote for any new right named 'abortion " and who would NOT vote for taxpayers to foot the bill for killing of innocents in the womb on demand. Constitutional amendments have to be ratified by 2/3 of the states and that would not happen and Congress knows it, and they are attempting to sneakily rewrite the Constitution to codify the evil of abortion as law.
They have not authority to rewrite, amend the Constitution, without the people voting on it.
5) It is an attempt to create new health care crimes and an attempt to create crimes of poverty that are punishable with fines, and what if the fines cannot be paid by the poor,do they go to jail for being too poor to buy insurance, a service that really cannot guarantee anyone's health?
6) It is an attempt to make MDs and RNs health care police, expecting them to report those who show up for health care services without insurance cards. It is shameful, dishonest, and unconstitutional usurpation of the lawful authority as delegated to the Congress by the Constitution. The Congress does not have authority to legislate what citizens must buy or how they spend their money, except as it pertains to the national security of the homeland [defense spending, military, roads, etc]. Those who do not have insurance have many options including free clinics for the indigent { I volunteered as a RN in those for years and so did a lot of very good doctors;] and health care screening offered through churches and Red Cross, and the public health dept already funded for communicable diseases. There are resources available; and I know that for certain, and those people collectively are not the foundation of the nation and the national 'common welfare' is not dependent upon them. It is ruinous to rewrite the Constitution in communist tactics and bypass the citizens' voting on amendments to the Constitution for any group! The very foundation of America is the Constitution and for the Congress to attempt to radically rewrite it without subjecting it to the ratification by the people is unconstitutional .
Read the article at:
@ Thursday, December 31, 2009 @11:09:29 AM
Entry from Wednesday 30-Dec-2009 that I am updating:
AP article about 13 Attorney Generals contemplating suing federal government over the vote buying deal of Congress to buy Ben Nelson's vote for a price tag of $100 million in Medicaid money to Nebraska. Are Senators allowed to sell their votes? That is a HUGE constitutional issue. From article by
By MEG KINNARD in COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - "Republican attorneys general in 13 states say congressional leaders must remove Nebraska's political deal from the federal health care reform bill or face legal action, according to a letter provided to The Associated Press Wednesday."
Read article at:
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @5:39:31 PM
You absolutely know without a shadow of doubt that I am prolife and that prolifers expected Ben Nelson of Nebraska to stand firm for the unborn/preborn and make no deals with the devil Congress. Instead he seemed to be using that issue to secure for his state a deal in which, in exchange for his vote in favor of redefining health care to include killing of innocent babies, his state gets 100 Million in Medicaid money from the feds. Sort of sounds illegal to me, doesn't it to you?
Sort of like that Blago issue when he was Governor and how the _______hit the fan when he wanted to sell /peddle his power in exchange for money. And sort of like that Burris sneak-him-in-we-know-he's-a-crook-and-that-is-what-we're-looking-for-to-replace-the-outgoing-crook-Obama-in-Senate-deal.
The more you know about the US Congress, the less you will like it.
(s) Gloria Poole,Missouri
words that WORK,LLP ® words that WORK means words that WORK for the glory of GOD;in other words it is about spreading the gospel truth; and also the prolife message. It is official blog of words that WORK of Gloria Poole in Springfield, Missouri, that began in Georgia.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Missouri Senator Jane Cunningham:good for you!
I read in the Columbia Tribune news today but it had a date of article of the 10th, that State Senator Jane Cunningham of Missouri has prefiled an Amendment to allow Missourians to opt out of any plan the government puts forth for 'health care reform". I quote from that article:
"It’s really simple,” Cunningham said. “The health care freedom act is a constitutional amendment that will shield Missourians from the unconstitutional federal health care mandates and protects the right of individuals to make their own medical and insurance choices, including the right of patients to pay directly for medical service.”
I applaud her and the sixteen others who have co-signed that amendment to allow citizens of Missouri to opt out of mandated insurance without penalty.
People in this country who are citizens have to 'fight' against those who would usurp their right to control their own destiny, and to decide what to buy and when and how. The idea that the U S Government or any government should be a surrogate parent to anyone is the basic premise of the -ism governments that has the core belief that adults are not smart enough or competent enough to make wise decisions for themselves. I know as a Registered Nurse that there are some situations that some citizens/humans need intervention and I myself have had some of those situations when I crashed down a flight of stairs in a set of circumstances forced on me by someone who was breaking the law; and suffered injuries and could not help myself much at the time. I have made much progress but my health is not as it was before those events, by any means. So I understand there are times when intervention is necessary. I understand that both as a Registered Nurse and as a patient then. However, any system that is so structured as to forever take away the right of the nation collectively to decide the public laws, and to decide what is best for them and their family budget, is not an improvement.
The so-called reform as it is discussed is more than 2000 pages long.That tells you it is about defining every aspect of health care--who gets any services at what age, for what reason, for how long, how much money to be spent, what diseases covered, which providers are 'preferred' by government, what procedures are labeled ss health care, on and on for 2000 pages! It is not good. The entire nation was created with a document of less than 10 pages!
Also, and this is one of my most important sticking points: that plan as approved by the Senate but has to be voted on by both houses, labels abortion as a paid for procedure. As a Registered Nurse, I am absolutely, adamantly forever opposed to labeling /defining a premeditated act of murder of an innocent human being, as being 'health care." I oppose any public law that has that intent. I am opposed to it because of the commandment of GOD as written, 'thou shalt not kill." [Exodus 20:13]. It is medical fact that human beings produce human beings when they reproduce. When a human man and a human woman come together in the sex act and the woman conceives,she conceives a HUMAN. To purposely destroy an innocent human being violates the commandment of GOD and it is forbidden by GOD, and there are many warnings about the consequences to the nation that ignores or disobeys willfully the commandments of GOD.
I oppose the plan in Congress to redefine health care for many reasons, and they are;
1) it is an evil plan to depopulate the nation and force taxpayers to pay for the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb, which violates the conscience of good people.
2) It is a plan that has as its source of funding the money that is now allocated to the elderly, infirm, sick, handicapped, injured and would take money from those groups to give the money to abortionists. It is evil.
3) It totally rewrites the U S Consitution in some ways creating a crime of being poor for the first time in the history of the nation. What happens when a family that is barely making ends meet now, is told they have to pay an insurance company for illusionary promises a monthly premium of several hundred dollars? And then are they hauled into Court, fined a huge fine of nearly $2000 dollars for NOT BUYING a promise from a company, and then what? Do they go to jail for being poor? Who goes to jail, in that case--the father, the mother, the children, the one who got sick and had to go to a doctor only to be discovered that were insurance-negative, and then reported to the cops or the feds? Or what happens then? It is a bad public policy in every way.
Missouri Senator Jane Cunningham and the other 16 who are in agreement with her, have the right idea. If Congress wants to tell private insurance companies how to do business and if the insurers allow that, then they are stupid. But to go further with that travesty and try to force citizens to buy any product or service is not Constitutional. There is no Constitutional basis whatsoever for Congress to mandate any product or service that any citizen must buy, and there is no Constitutional authority for Congress to lay a plan to depopulate the nation.
Congrees, just vote NO to the plan to reform insurance and to force citizens to buy anything. Stand on the written authority of the U S Constitution, and the first amendment including the right to associate with whom we please and not associate with whom we do not please, and the right to be secure in our persons and effects, without government snooping into our lives in every way.
(s) Gloria Poole, Missouri, The time is 10:04 AM,11th-Dec-2009
"It’s really simple,” Cunningham said. “The health care freedom act is a constitutional amendment that will shield Missourians from the unconstitutional federal health care mandates and protects the right of individuals to make their own medical and insurance choices, including the right of patients to pay directly for medical service.”
I applaud her and the sixteen others who have co-signed that amendment to allow citizens of Missouri to opt out of mandated insurance without penalty.
People in this country who are citizens have to 'fight' against those who would usurp their right to control their own destiny, and to decide what to buy and when and how. The idea that the U S Government or any government should be a surrogate parent to anyone is the basic premise of the -ism governments that has the core belief that adults are not smart enough or competent enough to make wise decisions for themselves. I know as a Registered Nurse that there are some situations that some citizens/humans need intervention and I myself have had some of those situations when I crashed down a flight of stairs in a set of circumstances forced on me by someone who was breaking the law; and suffered injuries and could not help myself much at the time. I have made much progress but my health is not as it was before those events, by any means. So I understand there are times when intervention is necessary. I understand that both as a Registered Nurse and as a patient then. However, any system that is so structured as to forever take away the right of the nation collectively to decide the public laws, and to decide what is best for them and their family budget, is not an improvement.
The so-called reform as it is discussed is more than 2000 pages long.That tells you it is about defining every aspect of health care--who gets any services at what age, for what reason, for how long, how much money to be spent, what diseases covered, which providers are 'preferred' by government, what procedures are labeled ss health care, on and on for 2000 pages! It is not good. The entire nation was created with a document of less than 10 pages!
Also, and this is one of my most important sticking points: that plan as approved by the Senate but has to be voted on by both houses, labels abortion as a paid for procedure. As a Registered Nurse, I am absolutely, adamantly forever opposed to labeling /defining a premeditated act of murder of an innocent human being, as being 'health care." I oppose any public law that has that intent. I am opposed to it because of the commandment of GOD as written, 'thou shalt not kill." [Exodus 20:13]. It is medical fact that human beings produce human beings when they reproduce. When a human man and a human woman come together in the sex act and the woman conceives,she conceives a HUMAN. To purposely destroy an innocent human being violates the commandment of GOD and it is forbidden by GOD, and there are many warnings about the consequences to the nation that ignores or disobeys willfully the commandments of GOD.
I oppose the plan in Congress to redefine health care for many reasons, and they are;
1) it is an evil plan to depopulate the nation and force taxpayers to pay for the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb, which violates the conscience of good people.
2) It is a plan that has as its source of funding the money that is now allocated to the elderly, infirm, sick, handicapped, injured and would take money from those groups to give the money to abortionists. It is evil.
3) It totally rewrites the U S Consitution in some ways creating a crime of being poor for the first time in the history of the nation. What happens when a family that is barely making ends meet now, is told they have to pay an insurance company for illusionary promises a monthly premium of several hundred dollars? And then are they hauled into Court, fined a huge fine of nearly $2000 dollars for NOT BUYING a promise from a company, and then what? Do they go to jail for being poor? Who goes to jail, in that case--the father, the mother, the children, the one who got sick and had to go to a doctor only to be discovered that were insurance-negative, and then reported to the cops or the feds? Or what happens then? It is a bad public policy in every way.
Missouri Senator Jane Cunningham and the other 16 who are in agreement with her, have the right idea. If Congress wants to tell private insurance companies how to do business and if the insurers allow that, then they are stupid. But to go further with that travesty and try to force citizens to buy any product or service is not Constitutional. There is no Constitutional basis whatsoever for Congress to mandate any product or service that any citizen must buy, and there is no Constitutional authority for Congress to lay a plan to depopulate the nation.
Congrees, just vote NO to the plan to reform insurance and to force citizens to buy anything. Stand on the written authority of the U S Constitution, and the first amendment including the right to associate with whom we please and not associate with whom we do not please, and the right to be secure in our persons and effects, without government snooping into our lives in every way.
(s) Gloria Poole, Missouri, The time is 10:04 AM,11th-Dec-2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
My newest sketch of Prince Charles painted today

I also own words that WORK, LLP though criminals have tried to steal if for about five years. Colorado is the Nigeria of America--corruption is in every place no matter where you live in this ungodly State. I also own Life Media & Publishing LLP too, and that is necessary to write because criminals tried to steal 153 domains I paid for, and created the writings, websites, photos,and paintings of. I am intent on getting them back, so I am adding this sketch just done about an 2 hours ago to this site as 'proof ' that my paintings on my website and also my sketches are mine, mine that I draw, and paint, and or sketch. I paint in oils, but I sketch in watercolors, inks, powdered pastels, acrylics, mixed media. I draw with pencils and pen/inks. I am an artist longer than I am a Registered Nurse because I began drawing in high school and that was decades ago. If you want to see my photo of me, visit some of my websites and profile sites including http:/glorias-paintings.com/ and gloriapoole.info/ and gloriapoole.me.uk/my-sketches2/
and gloriapoole.me.uk/paintings/
and also http://www.google.com/profiles/newsforlife/
and http://www.google.com/profiles/gloriapoole.RN
and http://www.google.com/profiles/gloriapoole/
It is an on-going battle to protect my name and websites from criminals. The internet is the worst place in the world to do any sort of business because criminals are in the hosting companies. It is sort of like giving money to those wearing felon jump suits in prison for cybercrime and fraud and theft, to buy anything on the internet!
This is intended to document that I Gloria Poole, white woman, Registered Nurse and Christian am the same woman who owns words that WORK, LLP and that always owned it since about 1991 when it began in the State of Georgia. I am also the same woman who owns Life Media & Publishing LLP that began in 2003 as the TV show in Denver Colorado as Tapestry of LIFE TV, LLP that was about the prolife cause. Certain criminals in high places like H Clinton and B Obama really really hate prolifers and abuse their powers to hack into private paid accounts to steal plunder and destroy what they don't like written about their evil agenda for the world.
I have also added this same sketch of mine to my name site in UK at and it is much larger size here:
I personally do not believe the internet will endure over time because crimes are so rampant and so unpunished and most people cannot afford to just waste money every month [waste as in paying for services that criminals steal!] . It is sad, but I have had four years of criminals hacking into my accounts, stealing, plundering looting my bank accounts, my internet accounts, my photos of my original paintings, sketches, drawings,photographs and poems, writings as a Registered Nurse. Because I am Christian and poor, the law enforcement generally seems to think their duty is to protect murderous assassins and those who kill innocents in the womb, who either pay big bribes and or fees, or pull political strings. The SS troops of America guard murderers of innocents in the womb the way they stood guard while Jews were gassed to death in the Nazi era; and all the while trying to harm Christians who are trying to obey GOD.
I have not quit and I will not quit. I am moving everything of mine to Missouri however including my paintings, accounts, equipment, belongings, [of dwelling] and my internet accounts also in a couple of weeks. The correct mailing address for words that WORK,LLP since June 2007 and the only mailing address for it since June 2007 [and yes I know criminals said otherwise but they are liars, thieves and reprobates and if you listen to them, they will destroy you.] is : c/o Gloria Poole, PO Box 61513, Denver Colorado 80206.
I suffered serious injuries when my then-husband was trying to kill me in 2006 to get control of what I own and create, including my paintings. He hires his criminal lawyers and they lie, cheat, steal, hide evidence, steal, and perjure themselves for money. They are the devils' own. JESUS said to avoid that sort of low-life element and there is a reason for that. Remember how evil is Obama who has given 100 MILLION Of taxpayers money to the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb around the world. And that jezebel H Clinton from hell, --the sooner she goes back there, the better the world will be and let us all pray that she takes that Hitler-Bill with her.
/s/ Gloria Poole, RN, and artist in oils, photographer, writer, and missionary for life.
The websites the devil is trying to destroy is at:
http://www.sites.google.com/site/newsforlife/humans-in-womb-photos of preborn humans in utero and or amniotic sacs.Those who sell human flesh and blood really hate to see photos of tiny humans--it disturbs their reprobate mind when they see those tiny dismembered human parts everywhere of the humans they killed for money.
@ Denver Colorado 80203 , 10-Oct-2009 @ 2:01 PM mountain time.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Money & Banking in the U S at present & past
Money and Banking, as I see it, by Gloria Poole
This is my effort to discuss the problems that have occurred in the banking industry based upon what I have observed from having bank accounts for decades, and from
researching based upon information I learned in the course "Money and Banking' at the University of Georgia. The problems I see are:
1) Some, most banks in the U S use usury to fund their deposits charging from $ 29-34 for an overdraft that is a nano-second of time transaction by computer, and thus
causing more overdrafts for most families.
2) Not having sufficient reserves to cover their outstanding debts or loans they make.
3) Making bad loans to people who had no way to repay them, no assets and no down-payment [investment into the loan].
4) Separating from banks the credit cards and debit cards to third parties so that banks have no responsibility for them and in no cases, knowledge of how much is owed on them.
5) Obama created a run on banks when for his own campaign advantage manipulated the banks to create the fears that he then took advantage of, in his effort to federalize the banking system.
He has a galloping socialism plan for all industries and he must be defeated.
6) The gold in Fort Knox was sold when the U S went off the gold exchange and the paper money is depreciated because there is no faith in the United States government
presently,so the paper money is not backed up by anything. History has proved time and again that renders it meaningless when government could print more to cover
debts with worthless paper.
7) The US is printing new money to circulate and depreciating the dollar.
8) The U S government is paying its debts with borrowed money and has no reserves.
9) The efforts by a few to take-over the nation and take the power of the many people and put it into the hands of a few is the main problem.
Also, I researched with the information: History of Banking in America written by James William Gilbank and provided as a download by McMaster University in Connecticut. I am summarizing the points here that seem very significant to me from the 110 pages [on the web but more than 200 pages in paper copy] . I am going to present a brief summary of the history of banking using this source quoted. You will see that the fights over money have occurred since the beginning of this nation, and indeed occur
everywhere when greedy men try to take over the wealth of the nation.
In the colonies to begin with commodities like tobacco and corn were the methods of exchange. And there was no paper or metal currency. Some states did not issue
a currency until the American Revolution. At commencement of the American Revolution [declaration of independence from King of England] the Continental Congress
issued 'continental money' on May 10, 1775; and set the value of the paper money equal to that sum in silver and /or gold. Over time of the war, the paper money
depreciated in value because the people lost confidence in the government's ability to redeem it with gold or silver.The Continental Congress authorized and issued
$30 Million and at the end of the war, that $30 million had depreciated to about $9 million in value,with the situation of needing six paper dollars to equal one silver dollar.
According to the 'report of the Treasury " in 1790 the issue of continental money for the years of 1776-1781 were $357,476,541 that was worth only $2,070,485 in silver.
In 1781,the U S Congress chartered the "Bank of North America' in Philadelphia, and it commenced on Jan 7, 1782. It was considered evil and the charter was repealed
on Sept 1785 in Pennsylvania. In 1787, it was reincorporated in Pennsylvania only.
After the American Revolution, the Congress decided that no state should coin money, emit bills of credit ,make anything BUT gold and silver as legal tender in payment
of debts, or pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts, and the power to coin money and regulate the value of it, was given exclusively to the Congress. That is
included in the U S Constitution still. The U S Constitution was adopted in 1789 and ratified by the people and the government was organized. They then chartered the "Bank of the United States' in 1791. Immediately the Constitutionality of it was challenged when it was
presented to then President George Washington for his signature. Justice Story wrote that 'the power to incorporate a bank is not among those enumerated in
the constitution".
On 14 Dec 1790, the Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton reported to Congress the plan of the National Bank.James Madison opposed it on the grounds that
it is unconstitutional and that the Constitution did not delegate any such authority to the Congress. It was supported by the "Federal Party'. The bill passed in Feb 1791 and was presented to President Washington for his signature. He consulted with his advisors as to whether he should sign it or veto it. Thomas Jefferson was Secretary of
State and opposed to it. Edmund Randolph was Attorney-General of the U.S and also opposed to it. Alexander Hamilton Secretary of the Treasury was in favor of
ir. Gen Knox, Secretary of War, was also in favor of it. The idea of a federal bank began with Alexander Hamilton who is called the 'founder of American finance".
On the 4th-March-1811 the Charter for the Bank of the United States expired and the Congress would not renew it. It's capital was $10 million, and the shares were
divided and the U S government bought 5,000 shares valued at $2 million. It was declared to be mainly of "financial and political character; and was challenged as
to the Constitutionality of it again, and at that time it was decided it was necessary to 'execute the powers that were enumerated '.When Thomas Jefferson was
President, he again opposed it and the charter was not renewed.
In June 1812, war was declared against England and all banks in the South and the West suspended specie payments. "The very large and unforeseen advances
[of specie/money] to government were the immediate cause of the suspension of payments' per statement of Mr Albert Gallatin. And this caused a "great and
continued run on banks', and 'a considerable degree of occasioned alarm and distrust'. And he said 'the circulating capital is concentrated in large cities" and
the U S 'floating debt' of treasury notes [T-bills as they are called now] amounted to "$ 11 million 200 hundred and fifty thousand". And also, 'banks made
advances [ to the federal government] beyond their resources either by their own subscriptions [buying debt] or by enlarging their discounts in favour of the
subscribers [modifying the terms due]. Dissolution of the "Bank of the United States' caused state banks to 'take up the papers formerly discounted by
that of the United States", and created new state banks. The 'expectation of great profits gave birth to a much greater number than was wanted." From
Jan 1811 to Jan 1815, 120 new banks were chartered.
In Feb 1815, peace with England was declared, and the general thought was that the National Bank would resume. There was 'such a scarcity of money
that the taxes could not be collected." The U S government began issuing Treasury notes [debts ] resembling 'exchequer bills in England' that paid
6% interest to those who would buy them. The transmission of money from state to state was a logistical problem often requiring hand delivery of check
or sending by courier. The US Government was 'obliged to employ as agents for receiving the taxes, a vast number of banks." And banks refused to honor
the notes of other banks. The U S Treasury had accounts at 94 banks. The money banks had was :1) Tax money, 2) notes of other banks, 3) Treasury notes
bearing interest, 4) small treasury notes not bearing interest, and 'as to coin, that was out of the question'.
The charter of the second "Bank of the United States" was in 1816 in that session of Congress, with a capital of $ 35 million divided as 350,000 shares at
$100 each, and the U S bought 70,000 shares and the payment was made as 1/4 in gold/silver and the rest in coin. It was declared lawful for the U .S to
redeem debt and for banks to sell silver and gold' but they could not sell more than $2 million in any one year. The management of the federal bank of the
United States was delegated to 25 directors, five of whom were appointed by the President, and there could not be more than 3 from any given state, and
the other 20 were from "qualified stockholders' but only those stockholders who were U S Citizens could vote. The debts contracted could not exceed $35 million
nor could they make any loan to the U S government greater than $500,000. It began business in Jan 1817 in Philadelphia. Immediately the state banks
began to fail as money shifted to the federal bank. This second "Bank of the United States' made 'very liberal advances to the Western states' and were
compelled to 'resort to measures for compelling repayment of debts in gold' . The second 'Bank of the United States' established branches in every State.
In Sept 1830 the liabiliites of the Bank of the United States were ' $15,347,657.
The main advantage to a federal bank was considered to be the 'uniformity of duties and taxes of every description, internal and external, direct or
indirect," and a "essential and fundamental principle of the Constitution. ' There were 2 methods of doing this suggested : metal currency of gold and silver,
and paper money of uniform value across the nation. And also the goal was stated that it 'gives a complete guarantee that under any circumstances,
its notes will preserve the same uniformity of which they now possess. " [Remember that changed with the 'reform' that created the FDIC that
guaranteed only about a 1/10 of what any depositor paid in .] And they bragged that the federal bank 'lawfully checked any excessive issues
[of currency] on the part of state banks. " At that time they concluded that money for war had to be set aside in reserve and not expected to come
from taxation, and it had to be set aside before a war was declared,and not to be funded with debts. "The greatest inducements in order to obtain
loans on moderate terms consists in the probability that if the distribution proceeds slower than had been anticipated the subscribers [investors who
bought debts] will not be compelled to sell the stock, and by glutting the market, to sell it at a loss."
In 1832, Congress passed a law to renew the charter of the second "Bank of the United States' but President Andrew Jackson vetoed it and gave his reasons
to Congress based upon the grounds that the bank itself is unconstitutional. I am quoting the highlights of his words to Congress that accompanied his veto:
he had considered it 'in regard to the principles of the constitution' and 'came to the conclusion that it ought not become a law', because 'some of the
powers and privileges possessed by the existing bank [Bank of the United States, federal] are unauthorized by the constitution, subversive to the rights
of the states, and dangerous to the liberties of the people... I can percieve none of the modifications [by Congress when they tried to renew ] of the
bank charter which are necessary, in my opinion, to make it compatible with justice, with sound policy, or with the constitution of our country." President
Jackson reminded them that the Bank of the United States had a 20 year history by that time from which to judge it, and he said, the management by the
federal government was a "monopoly' on money, ' exclusive privilege' , 'monopoly on foreign and domestic exchange' and that the 'powers privileges and
favors bestowed upon it in the original charter by increasing values of stock far above its par value operated as a gratuity of many millions to the stock-
holders." President Jackson also said, 'the modification of the existing charter proposed by this act are not such in my view as make it consistent
with the rights of the States or the liberties of the people", and 'by documents submitted to Congress, that of 1st Jan 1837 of the 20 millions of private
stock [in the Bank of the United States] $8,045,000 was held by foreigners mostly Great Britain." And he stated that the western states still were using
most of the debt and creating most of the debts. He warned that the 'entire control of the constitution would necessarily fall into the hands of a few
citizen stockholders and the ease with which the object would be accomplished would be a tempation to designing men to secure that control in
their own hands by monopolizing the remaining stock". Also he said, 'there is a danger that the a President and directors [of a federal bank] would
be able to elect themselves from year to year, and without responsibility or control manage the whole concerns of the bank. It is easy to conceive
great evils to our country and its constitution might flow from such a concentration of power in the hands of a few men, irresponsible [not elected] to the
people." And he continued, 'the government of the United States have no constitutional power to purchase lands" [or houses or stocks for that matter]
except for forts, arsenals, dockyards, and ports. Congress did not override his veto. The U S Senate wanted too, but the U S House opposed it
President Jackson ordered the removal of the deposits of the Bank of the United States with the money to be placed into state banks. The Secretary
of the Treasurer at that time was Duane,and he refused to do that. So he was removed from office, and someone who would do that was appointed by
President Jackson. The Bank of the United States was liquidated and the money was placed in state banks. President Jackson also wanted to
set the U S on a gold standard with gold backing up the paper money. The U S Mint coined gold and silver coins with some gold from Mexico, some
from 'West Indies" some from Africa,and most from the U S.
In June 1834, the U S House opposed the renewal of the charter officially and defined the gold standard and silver standard. They set the value of a
$10 "gold eagle' coin to contain 232 grains of 'fine gold' and '258 grains of 'standard gold' , and they defined all denominations of gold, and declared
that the gold coins 'shall be receivable in all payments at the rate of 94 and 8/10ths of 100% and they set the
standard of silver at 100/100. Mr Albert Gallatin complained that the 'erroneous value' set for gold would cause a 'disappearance of gold ' to Europe since
at the existing exchange rate at that time, Europeans and Brits could buy a $10 gold eagle coin in the U S at 4,61GBP and resell it for much more
in their countries where the gold standards were that gold relative to silver was gold 15,2 greater than 1 silver;
and the French defined it as 15,5 times greater than 1 silver of equal weight.
Mr Gallatin said the result would be a total disappearance of U S gold over time. The exportation of America's gold to Europe was not a good thing and
Mr Gallatin warned about this. He advised setting the gold's value to the true value and said again that the value set by the US House of Representatives
at that time, was made 'by mistake' . President Jackson in his address to Congress on Dec 1, 1834 that the "Bank of the United States' had become
the 'scourge of the people' by postponing repayment of national debts' to hold onto the money ,'for the purpose of appropriating public money in a
political contest' in a "corrupt and partisan loans' method, and that 'the unlimited power" of the President to " expend funds in hiring writers and
procuring the execution of printing, the retention of pension money' and the 'system of unparalled excitement [of the people] and the 'interruption of
domestic exchanges" was harmful. And 'a confession that all real distresses which individuals and the country had endured preceding... had been
needlessly produced by it, [The federal bank]. The amount of money transferred from the Bank of the United States to the state banks was "$16 million.
The issue of a federal bank was not resolved but they could not override President Jackson's veto. In the next election Martin van Buren won, but he
also did not approve of a federal bank, according to his statements in the U S Senate in 1828. He thought the Congress did not have authority to create
a federal bank. However, in June 1836 The Bank of the United States was chartered again and all banks received their charters from it. The charters
were drawn from the 'same general rules" and "in these respects it stands opposed to the laws of this country' [because it does not allow competition].
The national bank was undone again. And the U S went off the gold standard again so that paper money is not backed up by anything in the U.S.
Also in analyzing the differences in banks in Europe and England, in America the directors of a bank and its shareholders have no liability for their decisions
beyond their own respective shares. But in England and other countries, the shareholders and directors of a bank have 'unlimited liability' for the risks
they subject their customers [depositors] too, and they are liable to the 'full extent of his property for all the debts of the bank." That produces a much
more secure position in the minds of the public if the Directors of a bank stand to lose their own money by their decisions. When that is the legal environment
the Directors and shareholders are very cautious with risk and risk-adverse. In the U S the directors and shareholders as we saw this past year with
the bail outs of bansk are not at risk for their 'gambling' with the money of others and there is a disincentive to be prudent. If you are 'gambling' with the
money that is not yours and you suffer no losses regardless of what you do or decide,there is no incentive not to gamble because you would only stand
to gain or not be any worse off in the worst case. That is what is wrong with banking in the U S. Also in some European countries and England they
tax the debts whereas the U S taxes the income. The English tax the notes outstanding, the liabilities,bonds, debts and that creates an incentive not to
have too many of those on the books.
The Times of NY on April 2, 1837 wrote that 'public confidence was greatly shaken' and 'the injudicious interference of the government in attempting
to regulate the currency has produced such a sense of speculation and such a transfer of specie to the interior as to embarrass all the regular business
of the country", and that 'paper money being abundant in the hands of a favoured few, these gentlemen turned their attention to the national domain",...
and 'every description of property, foreign and domestic, personal or landed was greatly enhanced in price". President Jackson demanded payment
of US debts with gold or silver because of the climate then That stabilized the nation and the currency. {In direct contrast, when Obama was so-called'
rescuing banks he was doing it with money borrowed from foreign governments--illegal in the constitution.]
The federal bank gave to itself the power to make money plentiful or scarce by expanding or contracting it to manipulate the value of it. I quote"
the distress and alarm which pervaded and agitated the whole country when the Bank of the United States waged war upon the people in order to
compel them to submit to its demands, cannot be forgotten." Also, 'the ruthless and unsparing temper with which whole cities and communities were
impoverished and ruined,...ought to be indelibly impressed on the memory of the people of the United States." If the U S people had not conquered it
the government would have passed from the hands of the many to the few.' And "eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty', and 'with such a [federal]
bank and paper money,the money power would in a few years govern the State and control it..." You could and should read President Jackson's entire
words to the Congress and to the people later on pages 194, and pages 195 of that History of Banking in America" .
If you think about it, you will see that President Andrew Jackson was right and prophetic. The U S has the equivalent of a federal bank in the Federal Reserve
and the problems are as stated by the previous President when he vetoed a federal bank. The outcomes since Obama was campaigning and to this point in
time are the evils warned against. There is no accountability for how TARP funds were used or who got them. There is distribution of monies by a a handful of men
in an effort to buy political power and votes. There is withholding and 'reforming' pension money that was promised. There is a scarcity of money for the
people because it is now concentrated in the hands of the Federal Reserve Bank [a federal bank without authority in the U S Constitution.].
Saturday, 29 August, 2009
{ I have also put this in other places. I own the copyright to my words always,FYI. }
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Some new websites to see
I have made some new websites and they are:
And these documents on the web at
about my complaint of fraud, cybercrime, and identity theft by hosting company 1and1.com :
http://newsforlife.googlepages.com/ and see link to the page for :
And my profile for newsforlife at: http://www.google.com/profiles/newsforlife
And also read my comments for today at http://gloriapoole.livejournal.com/
1:16 PM 6/28/2009
/s/ Gloria Poole of and for words that WORK,LLP®; Denver Colorado 80203/80206
@ 10:57AM 30_June_2009
And these documents on the web at
about my complaint of fraud, cybercrime, and identity theft by hosting company 1and1.com :
http://newsforlife.googlepages.com/ and see link to the page for :
And my profile for newsforlife at: http://www.google.com/profiles/newsforlife
And also read my comments for today at http://gloriapoole.livejournal.com/
1:16 PM 6/28/2009
/s/ Gloria Poole of and for words that WORK,LLP®; Denver Colorado 80203/80206
@ 10:57AM 30_June_2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
A Tune and a Tear, by Gloria Poole

A Tune and A Tear
by Gloria Poole, R.N.
Simmering Rage
catching up to me,
fueled by,stone-walling.
Heads stuck in sand,
pretending not to see,
ba-bies in pieces,
How could people be so blind?
so as not to see
the agony of shredded flesh?
A Tune and a Tear,
consumes my thoughts,
until in-fin-i-ty;
A tear is not enough for me,
the tune reverberates;
People move around,
along the Mall,
walking, and talking,
They seem to be alive and free,
but yet they are in chains.
They call it 'choice' when what they mean,
is horror, grim and vile.
A Tune and a Tear,
rises up in me;
a sadness,
They shop and buy,
and eat, and laugh,
while blood flows,
down the drain.
Their hearts are hard,
their souls are dead,
their eyes just cannot see.
The tiny parts, the tiny feet,
hands a half inch big
chopped with cleavers,
smeared on slides.
The tears flow freely,
down my face,
the agony of grief,
for unnamed children of the world.
The nation's dead,
the future's gone,
poured down the drain,
as 'choice'.
The 'leaders' stall,
and prance about,
making foolish speeches,
with blinders on.
They talk about $900B,
or is only $8?
their utter vacancy of minds!
While babies die,
day in and out,
Like Puppets worked,
with strings,
and mime.
Phony people!
plastic hearts,
no love,for anyone.
They shop and buy,
and eat and laugh,
and say, don't talk to me,
Don't tell me
'bout the blood
or the pain of the ba-by.
Call it 'choice';
then pretend,
the lifewasn't meant to be.
My tears flow down,
all over me,
til hysteria,
seems near.
doesn't workfor me;
tsunami grief engulfs.
Millions of innocents were killed,
and never even named.
Their blood poured out,
their flesh ripped up,
on altars of false gods.
How could this be,
considered 'right",
when it is so
very wrong?
A tune and tear,
began this song,
to spread the agony;
til hearts break,
and vows are made,
to overcome;
the stone-walled hearts;
and open blinded eyes.
There cannot be
such a 'choice' you see;
evil must not win.
Rout the devil;
save the lives,
of tiny human ones;
lock away bad people please,
outside the city gates,
end the scourge,
stop the plagues,
wel-come human life.
Have tears of joy,
and tunes of love,
and celebrate human life.
Feel the joy of babies' toothless grins;
see them learn
to crawl, and walk,;
and hear them say your name.
And know a mother's love,
as your tiny one,
grasps your finger,
and recognizes your face.
Accept the love,
a baby brings,
into your desperate life,
accept the gift that GOD gives to you,
when sperm meets egg, in you;
Don't turn away,
from greatest challenge,
you will ever know,
to raise a thriving living* child,
there is no greater love,than this;
no greater giftat all,
than human embodiment of life.
Spirit in the flesh,
the ultimate gift, of life;
that flows with sperm into the egg,
a man,and woman's love;
sealed in flesh.
Connecting the past,
and future for you,
for commun-i-ty
and country too.
Your greatest gift,
you have to give,
is reproducing you.
Seeing your future,
teaching your progeny,
to love THE LORD,
and enjoy life;
Embrace life;
tear down the wall,
be the shining light.
Say NO to 'choice';
and yes to life;
and NO to misery.
Shed your tears at grad-ua-tions,
laugh, and live, and love.
Embrace in married love.
Choose Life,
give birth to life.
Reject 'choice';
don't kill.
4:11 PM 2/7/2009
by Gloria Poole, R.N.
Simmering Rage
catching up to me,
fueled by,stone-walling.
Heads stuck in sand,
pretending not to see,
ba-bies in pieces,
How could people be so blind?
so as not to see
the agony of shredded flesh?
A Tune and a Tear,
consumes my thoughts,
until in-fin-i-ty;
A tear is not enough for me,
the tune reverberates;
People move around,
along the Mall,
walking, and talking,
They seem to be alive and free,
but yet they are in chains.
They call it 'choice' when what they mean,
is horror, grim and vile.
A Tune and a Tear,
rises up in me;
a sadness,
They shop and buy,
and eat, and laugh,
while blood flows,
down the drain.
Their hearts are hard,
their souls are dead,
their eyes just cannot see.
The tiny parts, the tiny feet,
hands a half inch big
chopped with cleavers,
smeared on slides.
The tears flow freely,
down my face,
the agony of grief,
for unnamed children of the world.
The nation's dead,
the future's gone,
poured down the drain,
as 'choice'.
The 'leaders' stall,
and prance about,
making foolish speeches,
with blinders on.
They talk about $900B,
or is only $8?
their utter vacancy of minds!
While babies die,
day in and out,
Like Puppets worked,
with strings,
and mime.
Phony people!
plastic hearts,
no love,for anyone.
They shop and buy,
and eat and laugh,
and say, don't talk to me,
Don't tell me
'bout the blood
or the pain of the ba-by.
Call it 'choice';
then pretend,
the lifewasn't meant to be.
My tears flow down,
all over me,
til hysteria,
seems near.
doesn't workfor me;
tsunami grief engulfs.
Millions of innocents were killed,
and never even named.
Their blood poured out,
their flesh ripped up,
on altars of false gods.
How could this be,
considered 'right",
when it is so
very wrong?
A tune and tear,
began this song,
to spread the agony;
til hearts break,
and vows are made,
to overcome;
the stone-walled hearts;
and open blinded eyes.
There cannot be
such a 'choice' you see;
evil must not win.
Rout the devil;
save the lives,
of tiny human ones;
lock away bad people please,
outside the city gates,
end the scourge,
stop the plagues,
wel-come human life.
Have tears of joy,
and tunes of love,
and celebrate human life.
Feel the joy of babies' toothless grins;
see them learn
to crawl, and walk,;
and hear them say your name.
And know a mother's love,
as your tiny one,
grasps your finger,
and recognizes your face.
Accept the love,
a baby brings,
into your desperate life,
accept the gift that GOD gives to you,
when sperm meets egg, in you;
Don't turn away,
from greatest challenge,
you will ever know,
to raise a thriving living* child,
there is no greater love,than this;
no greater giftat all,
than human embodiment of life.
Spirit in the flesh,
the ultimate gift, of life;
that flows with sperm into the egg,
a man,and woman's love;
sealed in flesh.
Connecting the past,
and future for you,
for commun-i-ty
and country too.
Your greatest gift,
you have to give,
is reproducing you.
Seeing your future,
teaching your progeny,
to love THE LORD,
and enjoy life;
Embrace life;
tear down the wall,
be the shining light.
Say NO to 'choice';
and yes to life;
and NO to misery.
Shed your tears at grad-ua-tions,
laugh, and live, and love.
Embrace in married love.
Choose Life,
give birth to life.
Reject 'choice';
don't kill.
4:11 PM 2/7/2009
Also published on google docs at http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcvgckh7_10g864v2c9 /10:17 PM 3/14/2009
Posted here by Gloria Poole, R.N. and registered agent of words that WORK,LLP ® of Denver CO 80203/80206 and I am the only person authorized to sign into any words that WORK,LLP® account! Or make any legal contracts for words that WORK,LLP and I am the 90 % owner of words that WORK,LLP and the other two owners are my two grown daughters who are Jennifer Borelli of Nebraska and Leigh Bills of Missouri. FYI.
Posted here by Gloria Poole, R.N. and registered agent of words that WORK,LLP ® of Denver CO 80203/80206 and I am the only person authorized to sign into any words that WORK,LLP® account! Or make any legal contracts for words that WORK,LLP and I am the 90 % owner of words that WORK,LLP and the other two owners are my two grown daughters who are Jennifer Borelli of Nebraska and Leigh Bills of Missouri. FYI.
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