Thursday, December 31, 2009

Congress, vote NO to codifying abortion as right

GOD works in mysterious ways, and this is proof. I am glad that GOD is raising up men to challenge to the Constitutionality of that health care financing bill steamrolling through Congress like Tianenman Square bulldozers. I am referring to the letter sent to Congress by the Attorny Generals of 13 States.
Please read the actual letter that is included in the article, as was sent by SC Attorney General Henry McMaster to the Congress, and the letter is signed by the AG of Washington state= Rob McKenna, and the AG of Michigan= Mike Cox, and the AG of Texas= Greg Abbott, and the AG of Colorado= John Suthers, and the AG of Alabama= Troy King, and the AG of North Dakota= Wayne Stenehjem, and the AG of Virginia= Bill Mims, and the AG of Pennsylvania= Tom Corbett, and the AG of Utah= Mark Shurtleff, and the AG of Florida= Bill McCollum, and the AG of Idaho=Lawrence Wasden, and the AG of South Dakota= Marty Jackley. These attorney generals charged with the duties of protecting the U S Constitution and their respective state's relationship to the federal government are pressing the issue that the deal made with Sen Ben Nelson to buy his vote in exchange for the federal government paying the Medicaid fees that would be created for new enrollees forever, is unconstitutional on the face of it; and that it is unfair to expect the other 49 states to have to meet mandated by Congress exorbitant expenses while not expecting the state of Nebraska to do that.
The entire health plan refinancing scheme has many flaws, and the way I see those are as follows:
1) it is attempt to label the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb as so-called 'health care' when it is a not, and is indeed a murderous act of evil.
2) It attempts to force taxpayers to pay for the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb, even taxpayers who are consistently conscientous objectors for decades to such evil.
3) It attempts to take from Medicare programs for the elderly who cannot be hired, or the disabled who cannot be hired, the money from the taxes they paid into the system, to redirect it to abortionists and the healthy in schemes to "prevent'" disease instead of treating actual disease.
4) It is an attempt to create a Constitional amendment in a runaround by not calling it a Constitutional Amendment in their effort to bypass the will of the citizens of this nation who would NOT vote for any new right named 'abortion " and who would NOT vote for taxpayers to foot the bill for killing of innocents in the womb on demand. Constitutional amendments have to be ratified by 2/3 of the states and that would not happen and Congress knows it, and they are attempting to sneakily rewrite the Constitution to codify the evil of abortion as law.
They have not authority to rewrite, amend the Constitution, without the people voting on it.
5) It is an attempt to create new health care crimes and an attempt to create crimes of poverty that are punishable with fines, and what if the fines cannot be paid by the poor,do they go to jail for being too poor to buy insurance, a service that really cannot guarantee anyone's health?
6) It is an attempt to make MDs and RNs health care police, expecting them to report those who show up for health care services without insurance cards. It is shameful, dishonest, and unconstitutional usurpation of the lawful authority as delegated to the Congress by the Constitution. The Congress does not have authority to legislate what citizens must buy or how they spend their money, except as it pertains to the national security of the homeland [defense spending, military, roads, etc]. Those who do not have insurance have many options including free clinics for the indigent { I volunteered as a RN in those for years and so did a lot of very good doctors;] and health care screening offered through churches and Red Cross, and the public health dept already funded for communicable diseases. There are resources available; and I know that for certain, and those people collectively are not the foundation of the nation and the national 'common welfare' is not dependent upon them. It is ruinous to rewrite the Constitution in communist tactics and bypass the citizens' voting on amendments to the Constitution for any group! The very foundation of America is the Constitution and for the Congress to attempt to radically rewrite it without subjecting it to the ratification by the people is unconstitutional .
Read the article at:

@ Thursday, December 31, 2009 @11:09:29 AM

Entry from Wednesday 30-Dec-2009 that I am updating:

AP article about 13 Attorney Generals contemplating suing federal government over the vote buying deal of Congress to buy Ben Nelson's vote for a price tag of $100 million in Medicaid money to Nebraska. Are Senators allowed to sell their votes? That is a HUGE constitutional issue. From article by
By MEG KINNARD in COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - "Republican attorneys general in 13 states say congressional leaders must remove Nebraska's political deal from the federal health care reform bill or face legal action, according to a letter provided to The Associated Press Wednesday."

Read article at:
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @5:39:31 PM

You absolutely know without a shadow of doubt that I am prolife and that prolifers expected Ben Nelson of Nebraska to stand firm for the unborn/preborn and make no deals with the devil Congress. Instead he seemed to be using that issue to secure for his state a deal in which, in exchange for his vote in favor of redefining health care to include killing of innocent babies, his state gets 100 Million in Medicaid money from the feds. Sort of sounds illegal to me, doesn't it to you?
Sort of like that Blago issue when he was Governor and how the _______hit the fan when he wanted to sell /peddle his power in exchange for money. And sort of like that Burris sneak-him-in-we-know-he's-a-crook-and-that-is-what-we're-looking-for-to-replace-the-outgoing-crook-Obama-in-Senate-deal.

The more you know about the US Congress, the less you will like it.
(s) Gloria Poole,Missouri

Friday, December 11, 2009

Missouri Senator Jane Cunningham:good for you!

I read in the Columbia Tribune news today but it had a date of article of the 10th, that State Senator Jane Cunningham of Missouri has prefiled an Amendment to allow Missourians to opt out of any plan the government puts forth for 'health care reform". I quote from that article:
"It’s really simple,” Cunningham said. “The health care freedom act is a constitutional amendment that will shield Missourians from the unconstitutional federal health care mandates and protects the right of individuals to make their own medical and insurance choices, including the right of patients to pay directly for medical service.”

I applaud her and the sixteen others who have co-signed that amendment to allow citizens of Missouri to opt out of mandated insurance without penalty.

People in this country who are citizens have to 'fight' against those who would usurp their right to control their own destiny, and to decide what to buy and when and how. The idea that the U S Government or any government should be a surrogate parent to anyone is the basic premise of the -ism governments that has the core belief that adults are not smart enough or competent enough to make wise decisions for themselves. I know as a Registered Nurse that there are some situations that some citizens/humans need intervention and I myself have had some of those situations when I crashed down a flight of stairs in a set of circumstances forced on me by someone who was breaking the law; and suffered injuries and could not help myself much at the time. I have made much progress but my health is not as it was before those events, by any means. So I understand there are times when intervention is necessary. I understand that both as a Registered Nurse and as a patient then. However, any system that is so structured as to forever take away the right of the nation collectively to decide the public laws, and to decide what is best for them and their family budget, is not an improvement.

The so-called reform as it is discussed is more than 2000 pages long.That tells you it is about defining every aspect of health care--who gets any services at what age, for what reason, for how long, how much money to be spent, what diseases covered, which providers are 'preferred' by government, what procedures are labeled ss health care, on and on for 2000 pages! It is not good. The entire nation was created with a document of less than 10 pages!

Also, and this is one of my most important sticking points: that plan as approved by the Senate but has to be voted on by both houses, labels abortion as a paid for procedure. As a Registered Nurse, I am absolutely, adamantly forever opposed to labeling /defining a premeditated act of murder of an innocent human being, as being 'health care." I oppose any public law that has that intent. I am opposed to it because of the commandment of GOD as written, 'thou shalt not kill." [Exodus 20:13]. It is medical fact that human beings produce human beings when they reproduce. When a human man and a human woman come together in the sex act and the woman conceives,she conceives a HUMAN. To purposely destroy an innocent human being violates the commandment of GOD and it is forbidden by GOD, and there are many warnings about the consequences to the nation that ignores or disobeys willfully the commandments of GOD.

I oppose the plan in Congress to redefine health care for many reasons, and they are;
1) it is an evil plan to depopulate the nation and force taxpayers to pay for the premeditated killing of innocents in the womb, which violates the conscience of good people.
2) It is a plan that has as its source of funding the money that is now allocated to the elderly, infirm, sick, handicapped, injured and would take money from those groups to give the money to abortionists. It is evil.
3) It totally rewrites the U S Consitution in some ways creating a crime of being poor for the first time in the history of the nation. What happens when a family that is barely making ends meet now, is told they have to pay an insurance company for illusionary promises a monthly premium of several hundred dollars? And then are they hauled into Court, fined a huge fine of nearly $2000 dollars for NOT BUYING a promise from a company, and then what? Do they go to jail for being poor? Who goes to jail, in that case--the father, the mother, the children, the one who got sick and had to go to a doctor only to be discovered that were insurance-negative, and then reported to the cops or the feds? Or what happens then? It is a bad public policy in every way.
Missouri Senator Jane Cunningham and the other 16 who are in agreement with her, have the right idea. If Congress wants to tell private insurance companies how to do business and if the insurers allow that, then they are stupid. But to go further with that travesty and try to force citizens to buy any product or service is not Constitutional. There is no Constitutional basis whatsoever for Congress to mandate any product or service that any citizen must buy, and there is no Constitutional authority for Congress to lay a plan to depopulate the nation.

Congrees, just vote NO to the plan to reform insurance and to force citizens to buy anything. Stand on the written authority of the U S Constitution, and the first amendment including the right to associate with whom we please and not associate with whom we do not please, and the right to be secure in our persons and effects, without government snooping into our lives in every way.
(s) Gloria Poole, Missouri, The time is 10:04 AM,11th-Dec-2009