Saturday, July 19, 2014

words that WORK to expose rigged election by democrats

Today I put a paragraph on my that is specifically for republicans and in that paragraph, I said I would write the questions of the survey on paper the Democrats mailed to me at my address here in Missouri, that stated that I have a "DNC Membership " Number and that I am in the Democratic party. HOWEVER,I AM REPUBLICAN REGISTERED VOTER AND ONLY VOTED REPUBLICAN. I AM NOT IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, NEVER REGISTERED ANYWHERE AT ANY POINT IN TIME AS A DEMOCRAT, NEVER VOTED DEMOCRAT, NEVER CONTRIBUTED TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY WILLINGLY [THOUGH THEY DID STEAL ABOUT ONE HUNDRED dollars FROM ME VIA MY CELL PHONES IN CAMPAIGN YEAR 2012]; and I ABSOLUTELY HATE THE DEMOCRATS AND EVERY POINT OF THEIR BABY-KILLING-REGIME. So, this post is is about that proof I have in my hand of the real attempts by the Democratic Party to rig the coming election by switching votes from republican to democrat and by hijacking republicans voters into the database of democrats and by hijacking the confidential information or republicans for the purpose of "crowd-funding" from them without their consent, to swell the coffers of the democrats. I thought about photographing the papers sent to me but they have my real name, my real physical address and a number and "registration" number assigned to MY name and ADDRESS no doubt to siphon money with. So, it is too big a risk to photocopy it to post it on line. But I am keeping the documents as proof and republicans may see them if they make appointment with me by telephone.

Here is the information that i received yesterday in the U S mail at my apt in Missouri:

I. outside of envelope is written in big bold letters: "official party Business Open immediately" and the envelope was mailed to me from zip code 19614 or 19014 because 3rd number ink smeared a bit and it has a non-profit stamp on it. I put the exact words of it in quotes.

II. Inside envelope is letter with big bold white letters on black heading of "official 2014 Democratic party Survey" across top filling page. Then it gives my so-called info as :

DNC membership # ____________________[not posting for my own protection]

Registration #: _____________________[not posting for my own protection]

Survey Tracking Scanline _________________________ [not posting for my own protection]

then it has printed on it my full name as on my birth certificate in Georgia and my full and correct physical address [not posting for my own protection]

And it tells me to "please complete and return by August 4, 2014"

Then in "Section I" of survey it restates my "personal information" but asks me if I am male or female.

Then in "Section II" labeled "Presidential Priorities" it asks these questions:

1. "Do you support President Obama;s goal of comprehensive immigration reform this year?" Answers possible: yes/ no/ undecided

2. "Do you support President Obama's plan to increase the minimum wage for America's workers?" Answers : yes/ no/ undecided

3. "Do you support the President's goal of ending tax loopholes for companies that ship jobs overseas and providing incentives for companies that create American jobs?" Answers: yes/ no /undecided.

4. "Do you support President Obama's plans to close the wage gap and make it possible for women to receive equal pay for equal work?" Answers: yes/ no/ undecided

5. "President Obama presented a plan that will allow American workers to gain the modern job skills necessary to compete in the global economy. Do you support these efforts?" Answers: yes/ no / undecided.

6. "Do you support President Obama's plan to reduce carbon pollution, accelerate the development of clean energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and invest in sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects to prepare for the effects of climate change? " Answers : yes / no /undecided

7. "Do you support the President's proposal to help those who have faced long-term unemployment?" Answers: yes / no / undecided

"Section III". Labeled : "Republicans/ Tea Party" with these questions:

1. "When it comes to the Republicans/ Tea party and the 2014 elections, which are you most concerned with?"; and in brackets it says "choose up to two":

-"Republicans keeping the House of Representatives"

-"Republicans taking back the U S Senate?"

-"Republicans winning more gubernatorial seats?"

-" Other ____________________________"

2. "Which do you believe was the most egregious action of the Republican House in 2013?" and in bracket it says "choose up to three":

-"Forcing the government shutdown that cost the nation $24 billion? "

-"Blocking commonsense gun safety legislation?"

-"Blocking the Paycheck Fairness Act?"

-"Voting more than 50 times to gut ObamaCare?"

-"Voting to cut food stamps by $40 billion?"


3. "Do you believe the Republican/ Tea Party majority in The House of Representatives will heed President Obama's call for cooperation or continue their attempts to obstruct his agenda?" answers are;

-"The Republicans will demonstrate greater cooperation. "

-"The Republicans will continue to obstruct."


4. "Is it important to you to put a Democratic majority back into The House of Representatives and increase Democratic leadership at all levels in 2014?" Answers: yes / no. Then " if yes, complete Section IV. If no, your survey is complete. Thank you. "

"Section IV". Labeled "Democratic Party Priorities":

1. "Please rank the following 6 political goals for the Democratic Party by their level of priority. Mark the appropriate number by each goal with the number 1 signifying most important and the number 6 signifying least important. ":

-"Combating Republican obstructionism in The House of Representatives"

- "protecting progress achieved by President Obama"

-"Winning Democratic victories at the state level"

-"Retaking the House of Representatives in 2014"

-"protecting our majority in the Senate"

-"electing a new Democratic president in 2016"


2. "As we look to our 2014 election work, we have identified four key priority areas. Please rank them by their level of priority with the number 1 signifying the most important and the number 4 signifying the least important":

-"Strengthening state parties"

-"maintaining and building our digital edge over the Republicans? Tea party"

-"Expanding access to the ballot box so people aren't turned away at the polls"

-"holding Republicans accountable for their reprehensible agenda while promoting our Democratic priorities and plans"

-"Other _____________________________"

3. "How do uu plan to help Democrats win in 2014 [check all that apply]?"



-"Phone bank"

-"Register voters"

-"monitor polls"

-"Put up a yard sign or bumper sticker"

-"hold a fundraiser"

-"make contributions"

-"other____________________________" Section V. Comments:

"Please tell us what is on yoru mind about current Republican /Tea party actions, President Obama's actions and the upcoming 2014 elections. " And it includes eight lines about 3 inches across. "Section VI. Contribution":

"Please make your leadership role within our Party official by becoming a member of The Democratic National Committee. Your membership contribution will provide Democrats the resources necessary to win this years's critical mid-term congressional and regional elections, so that we can put an end to Republican /Tea party efforts to roadblock President Obama.:

Answers : "$25" / "$35* / $50 / $100 / "other$____________"

And in smaller lighter color font is written : "* A contribution of this amount or more will be especially helpful to our efforts. " And also, :go to www [dot] democrats [dot ] org / join to put your gift to work immediately. " Then "PAYMENT METHOD" [all caps]

-"Check payable to Democratic National Committee enclosed" -"I prefer to charge my gift to : "Visa" / "masterCard" / "American Express" / "Discover" and it puts blocks for fill in of card info and a line for signature. Then in much smaller font approximately size 8 are these words: "Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name,mailing address, occupation,and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. The DNC can accept contributions from an individual of up to $32,400 in a calendar year. Corporate and labor union contributions are prohibited. The DNC does not accept contributions from currently registerd federal lobbyists, registered foreign agents, political action committees or minors under the age of 16. " Then it asks for Name: and provides blank to fill in

"Current address" and blank to fill in

"Telephone no: home: and blank to fill in; "office: and blank to fill in

"Current occupation: and blank to fill in

"Self employed" and no blank to fill in

"employer" and blank to fill in:

"Email address:" and blank to fill in

Then in small print and not bolded it says : "Federal law prohibits foreign nationals, except lawfully admitted permanent residents of the U S from contributing to the DNC. Contributions must be made from the donor's personal funds. Please certify the following information by checking one of the following and signing below:

:If an individual, I am a ciizen of the United States"____ {or}

"I am lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States" ___

"The funds I am donating are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution. "


And across bottom of "survey" is written :

"Democratic National Committee-430 South Capitol Street SE- Washington DC 20003-1877-336-7200-www.democrats [dot]org"

Cyber-criminals tried to call into my computer to try to stop me from publishing this so I have to do this in two steps.But they failed!

I, Gloria Poole, am REPUBLICAN and I am posting this to help the REPUBLICAN Party and Tea party know the sneaky low down tricks of the DNC. And the envelope to mail the survey back to the DNC is addressed to the same address as above but the zip code is changed to 20077-7242. And the accompanying letter says it is from "Democratic national Committee Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz" and it addresses me by my first name of Gloria; and it is a two page letter that I am too tired to keyboard into this at the moment. But I might add it later. But here is the summation of the letter which is her words of " the best opportunity we have to end the Republican /Tea party roadblocks is to remove them from office. " And this is her quote on the back of that letter: " our victories in 2008 and 2012 wouldn't have been possible without our technological advantage over the Republicans and the Tea party . And to win in 2014, we must build upon this success. That's why we have launched Project Ivy to better engage state parties , campaigns, organizers and voters in this election through innovation and technology that encourages geater participation at all levels so that more voices can be heard. ". And it is signed by Wasserman.

Gloria Poole / words that WORK / gloriapoole / gloria-poole; at my own private apt in Missouri 19 july 2014 at 12:21pm.